c | Gorgeously Aladdin's top | Journey To Northen Light

Gorgeously Aladdin's top

It's been a while since the last time I'm talked about outfit that I made by myself.
So here we go..
I come back..,

It become one of my favorite. 
And the idea was comes out a couple months ago. 

You probably notice the label 'Gorgeous Pirate' so yes that's a project that makes me forget about so many things for now. 
Such a traveling and stuff. 

I do miss so many things, and I don't know why that I wasn't really captured my favorite moments. 
Every little stunning moments and places passed through just like that. 
I couldn't show anything. 
Every beats , every seconds that makes won't close my eyes or even I hold my breath. But it was for real. 
Unfortunately that's all on my mind. No pictures, nothing can prove. 
But trust me.. That's all made me as me now. 

So here is Gorgeous Pirate
I present for you. 
A glamorous dress with full of imagination behind. 
A beautiful hope for every colours.
A lovely fear for the future. 
And a style that will makes you look gorgeous in every smile and movement. 


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