Welcome good things
Today is the first day of 2018, I haven't write anything for few weeks or maybe almost months. Well Lots has happened, believe me there is so many things in my mind, and I wanna kick it out with writing, but it's gone before I let my finger type it.
Well, first of all I wanna say HAPPY NEW YEAR.
What's special? Don't say nothing, I will let you thinking. Because it really good time to start new things.
Look back.., 2017 is big year for me. I was learn a lot of things. Mostly is new things. I met kind of human. Good, bad, nice, evil, angel, friendly.., uh I met all of them. It feels so different.
But as always they teach you something.
God, life is good.
I can't believe it time is flies by.
It drive me crazy
I'm doing my best, like really really do. I dunno if sometimes the others didn't see it. But the only one in my mind is ' I DO NOT WANT TO REGRET THINGS ' because I know for sure time is super expensive. There is nothing I can do to repeat this time. Nothing. It could be different by the place, people, weather, or the atmosphere.
I dunno, I'm overthinking about that.
Even though I tried.., with all my heart.., that I wanna do my best..,
The fact is I still regret.
Like the way.., 'I can do better than that'
I have been thinking it might human being. When you love someone, you were with them every single day then suddenly you apart, you might regret things.
And today, like it was, I don't wanna regret anything anymore this year. So I'll give my best.
All dreams will comes true
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