Future is waiting
Well did you ever feels like tired with something?
Sometimes it's just one thing, but that one.., wake you up from a lot of things. It's unfair. Sometimes. But that's happened.
But flashback, and think again about one thing that made you running until in this line. I know that's must be a lot of reason. And of course there is must be one thing which push you all the time.
You know what?
If you give up right now. It will changed a lot of good things that will happens on you in the future. I know it will (means maybe yes maybe no)
But if you really want that things, you will fight for it right?
Imagine one step that you got.
Imagine want will happening there?
Yes it is.
It's you.
You got one step.
How do you feel?
Not what you feel right now, but the feel that you got when you were in there.
Seems like I know how it feels like.
Why we don't go to second step.
You are there, you got it.
It really is.
You were there.
Tell me once again how do you feel?
Can we just go to third step or next one.., or to the final step until you got all these thing that you wanted it.
You are there,
It really is.
That's you
You are in the place that you want.
Imagine how do you feel.
Imagine what will you can do. Not just for you but for all people that you loved.
Imagine you got all these thing.
You can do more that you can do right now. More the this. More than you ever think.
You feel so free
Believe me.
And finally one day if you should leave this world and meet a God
And he asked you
"Do you did good?"
You can tell him
"Yes God I did it"
But if you give up right now, and he asked you
"Do you did it?"
"No, I didn't'
What's else you wanna tell him?
You cant do it, because of this or that?
No it can't be like that!!!
Its your fault because that what you choose.
You will make him disappointed.
He is not the only one. A lot of people around you will say the same.
So please, do your best to be YOU! To be someone that you want. Don't let anyone break it.
Because you just have to go on...,
And everything is will be fine.
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